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Category: Life During Covid - 2020

  1. What do the next 6 months hold?

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    The truth at this point is that none of us really know. What we do know is that the most recent announcement from No.10 states that workers in England should work from home if they can. This brings England back into line with the rest of the UK who haven’t deviated from this rule since lockdown began.

     It is likely, Boris Johnson continued, that this could continue for the next 6 months.

    Six months, and then what? The reality as far as this virus goes is that all we can do is wait. Wait and see what the future holds.

    There are two ways of making it through this strange time.

    You can take a step back and watch as the world takes over, or you can meet the challenges head first to push forward and come out the other side with a new, improved, quality of life.

     The really great thing is that we get to choose which path we take.

     Yes, 6 months is a long time. But think what you can achieve in that time.

    If running your own business is something you’ve considered, now is the time to make it happen.

    I’m sure some of you already know that my Leap into HR Consulting™ Bootcamp runs for 6 weeks, and that by the end of it you’ll have all the knowledge needed to make waves as a consultant. This in itself is quite an achievement and something that many people take years to achieve.

     But if we look at a 6-month time period, it’s even more impressive.

    In 6 months’ time you could have an enjoyable, successful business up and running.

    A business where you have clients on board. One where your clients are companies you actually want to work with. One where you enjoy your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. One where you get to choose how much you earn.

    Doesn’t that sound fantastic? If you are thinking ‘yes, but it’s too good to be true’, take it from me that it’s very possible. I know because I have seen it happen, countless times.

    In 2020 alone, I have supported 40 people to set up and grow their own consultancy business.

    Six months from now, what do you want to look back on?

    A life lived waiting, or a life lived living? Will you be the next success story?

    Made your decision? Join us and get busy living

  2. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic fallout, the number of UK redundancies this year is estimated at 134,000 so far, though many more positions are expected to head that way over the coming months, too.

     If you’ve been made redundant during 2020, you’re not alone.

     But you’re probably wondering - what next?

     Sadly, at a time of increased redundancy, employment opportunities are fewer.

     Times like this are made from a cruel mix of less full-time employment positions available, and many more people scrambling to win them. Not a position any jobseeker wishes to find themselves in.

     I know this all sounds bleak, but bear with me because there is a solution to your problems.

     As the saying goes; ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’.

    For those willing to step outside of their comfort zone, there are a lot of opportunities available.

    Though many full-time jobs no longer exist, it doesn’t mean that the requirements of those jobs have disappeared altogether.

    It’s common that companies no longer need someone for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week but that they instead need someone to step in and take care of a few of the former-role responsibilities.

     Enter: Consultants.

     A consultant’s role is increasingly important during times like this, and companies are clambering over each other to find the right person.

    That person could be you in as little as 6 weeks’ time if you take the right, and relevant, steps today.

    My 6 week fast-track bootcamp will have you ready to work as an HR Consultant in just 6 weeks. We work through everything from company set up through to how to find clients in just 6 short weeks. The course is intense, at times, but it will get you where you need to be.

    I know, taking the Leap into Consulting™ can seem intimidating. There is a lot to think about but my tried and tested method gets results.

    Think of it this way: in 6 weeks’ time, what are your chances of finding - and landing - your perfect new job?

     If you join my Bootcamp, alongside it’s other go-getter delegates, I’m sure you’ll find your chances are better than you ever could have hoped for.

     See you there? Book a call with me to chat through logistics. 


  3. Life after redundancy

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    Life after redundancy

    I’ve chosen to title this article ‘Life after Redundancy’ because life after redundancy is something that exists, but something that can easily be forgotten in the midst of going through one.

     Immediate reactions after a redundancy swing from fear of finances to sadness at losing a large part of your life. But as time passes and these feelings get weaker and weaker, you may find yourself thinking, ‘what next?’.

     What comes after a redundancy?

     For many, a natural reaction after being made redundant is to start frantically looking for new roles online. You may start searching within your field but as time goes by, and applications go unanswered, begin to look for something else - anything else - just to pay the bills. This is particularly true at a time when redundancies are common and jobs are scarce, such as during the time of a recession or, as the world has recently learned, during a global pandemic.

     But you didn’t spend years of your life perfecting your chosen profession and craft simply to fall into something unrelated, or something that doesn’t pay well, did you?

     It doesn’t have to be this way.

     For some, a redundancy signals a chance to assess your lifestyle. To spend more time with family. To think about the things you really want in life.

     Redundancy or not, this pandemic has done the same. I've had many conversations with people over the past few months who have realised that the 9-5 (or 9-9 in many cases) simply doesn’t work for them anymore, but who have been unsure what other options are available to them.

     I understand, the early days of my career were spent working a full-time job, making money for companies that weren’t my own. Then I realised that this wasn’t what I wanted from life. I wanted a more flexible lifestyle, one that I could design, one in which I could chose who I wanted to work with, and when I wanted to work. On top of all of this, I wanted a lifestyle that was more financially stable.

     In 1994, I began my own consultancy business and I can honestly say that I’ve never looked back. It’s allowed me to be own boss and, importantly these days, to weather any storms along the way and come out sailing. I’m also privileged to have shown many, many, others exactly how to do the same thing.

     I know that you’re thinking - what does this have to do with my recent redundancy?

     The answer is everything. 

    If you want to get back to work quickly but don’t want to have to pick up ‘just any old role’, I’m running a fast-track bootcamp to show you exactly how to move into consultancy in just 6 weeks. 

    Six weeks is all it takes to understand where you fit as a consultant, the process to get yourself there, and lots of incredibly helpful insider tips to ensure you make the move successfully.

     Many who have taken my course have told me that at first they were hesitant about spending the money but that the money spent on it was earned back in just one day as a successful consultant!

     So - where will you place yourself post redundancy. Where do you see yourself in 6 weeks’ time?

    If you don’t want to answer this question with ‘working a mundane job just to pay the bills’ then let’s chat. You can book a free call in my diary where I’ll be happy to take you through the process in more detail.


  4. I don't want to go back to the office....

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    I dont want to go back to the office

    According to a recent survey, 53% of UK office workers say they don’t want to return to the office post COVID-19.

     The survey continued to note that 83.5% of people surveyed have enjoyed working from home, with reasons including flexibility (40%), no commute (38%) and greater productivity (68%). Some of the participants even admitted to enjoying wearing comfortable clothes and not having to keep up the pretence of a ‘work persona’ for all hours on the clock. 

    If you fall into the more-than-half of office workers who don’t want to return to the office, then you may be thinking about your options. 

    You’re in luck, this is an area I’ve been advising and coaching people on for many years. 26 years, in fact. Long before COVID-19 even existed. 

    The answer? Consider consulting. If you don’t know much about it, the thought may be intimidating. But it’s really quite simple. Once you know how. 

    I’ve helped over 40 people this year alone to make the move from the employed world to business-owner, giving them freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to work from home. I’ve been busier than ever over the last few months.

    I’ll take you through the process step-by-step; from the technicalities of setting up your business legally, to encouraging you and showing you how to find motivation, as well as the all important aspect of how to find paying clients. 

    Many people who take the Leap into Consulting™ end up out-earning their salaried role quickly. I did, as have most of my clients. 

    So, whatever your reasons for not wanting to return to the office - fear, freedom, flexibility, or finance - together we can make it happen. 

    No matter which stage of the process you are, I have a few options that will allow you to further explore.

    Which of the below sounds like you?

    I’ve never thought about consulting but it sounds interesting!

    Book a 10 minute call with me where we can chat through the process and see if it’s something that will suit you.

    I’ve been thinking about consulting as an option but I’m not sure if it’s right.

    Join my ‘Is Consulting right for you’ short course and together, we’ll find your answer.

    I’m in! I want to make the Leap into Consulting™ but I don’t know how to start.

    Sign up to my 6 week virtual bootcamp to make it a reality.

  5. Now is a time of exceptional opportunity for Consultants. Here’s why:

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    You know that age old saying, ‘There’s no time like the present’. It’s never rung truer for HR Consultants than right now.

    Now is the time to Leap into Consulting™.

    Given current global circumstances, this might go against what you think.

    So - why now?

    With ongoing lockdowns, furloughs and struggling businesses, becoming a Consultant can feel like a risky move. But the truth is we are living through a time where all the elements have aligned for HR consultants to succeed.

     Here is why:

    1. Businesses are crying out for external help. With many full-time staff on furlough or facing redundancy there are resource gaps that need to be filled. Hiring a consultant helps businesses do this while they remain in recovery mode.

    2. Full-time HR staff who are still working have spent much of the last few months firefighting. A lot (if not all) of their attention has been focused on COVID-19 and its implications. But that doesn’t mean that other HR functions don’t need attention. They do. And consultants are perfectly placed to address them.

    3. At a time like this, businesses need to hire people who are used to change, people who know how to work in uncertain circumstances, and people who can jump right into the unknown to make things happen. Hello consultants, this is our forte!

    It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out on your consultancy journey, or if you’ve been working as a consultant for a while.

    What does matter is your next steps into establishing yourself and finding an income. And the time is now. This exceptional opportunity for HR Consultants won’t last for long, so now is the time to push forward, take the Leap into Consulting™, and to make things happen.

    September has always been one of the busiest months in the consulting diary so you need to have clarity and be ready for this.

    Here at Leap into Consulting™ we have the perfect 6 week course to make sure you’re prepared, up-to-speed, and able to take advantage of this window.

    Have you spent the last few months during lockdown working on your business? Great!

    Have you spent the last few months juggling everything you can at home without putting any effort into your consultancy? That’s ok.

    Have you found yourself furloughed or redundant but with a strong desire to get back into the working world? Fantastic.

    Our HR Consultant Bootcamp will ensure that in just 6 weeks you’re ready to jump into consulting and to say ‘yes!’ To all the amazing opportunities that are waiting for you.

    But time is of the essence. Say yes to our 6 week bootcamp now. The course starts on 3rd August 2020 and by mid-September you’ll be saying ‘yes’ to lots of exciting consultancy offers.

    Are you ready to make consultancy work for you? Contact us for more information now. Space is limited to just 8 people, so register your interest now

  6. Why Navigating The Second Half Of 2020 Might Be Easier As a Consultant

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    Do you want to create your own future? To boldly navigate new goals? To confidently negotiate a higher income? 

    If you dream of achieving more, then becoming a consultant might be the way forward for you. Let me show you why. 

    Canva - Wooden ship steering wheel and fishing net on the blue sea and sky

    Over the last few weeks, I’ve had lots of conversations with confident, assertive and motivated people about returning to work post Covid-19 lockdown, and one topic has arisen time and time again: concerns that a full-time salaried job no longer offers what they need. 

    For hard-working and driven people, a full-time salaried career is no longer viewed as either a secure or desirable way to achieve personal or financial goals.  

    Becoming an HR Consultant turns this on its head. This is why: 

    Professionals employed by someone else are worried in the current climate, not only about health concerns but about future company redundancies, salary reductions, lack of growth opportunity, childcare needs, lack of personal time, and a lack of company value or appreciation. 

    Each and every one of these is a very valid concern and something that employers need to address. 

    But for you - there is another way. And now is the time to act.  

    Set your own goals, workload, salary and time by starting your own consulting business. If it’s security you crave, this may feel contradictory. But let me explain how it can help. 

    As an HR Consultant and business owner you will have the freedom to: 

    • Create your own desired income; you won’t need to worry about redundancies or salary deductions.
    • Ascertain your own earnings, and find ways to boost your income in times of need.
    • Self-motivate to grow your business and achieve goals.
    • Take control over your time. You’ll be free to take time off whenever needed, no questions asked.
    • Create your own unique set of business values - and live up to them.

    As the UK prepares to go back to work, now is the time to set up your consulting business. Covid-19 has created a high demand for HR services that you can fulfil. But there is only a small window of opportunity to take advantage of this.

    I’m running a 6 week HR Consultant Bootcamp to help you achieve it. This is the last Bootcamp before businesses emerge out of furlough. This Virtual Bootcamp will help you get ready for potential clients.

    Indepedent Freedback: "I thought being a Consultant would be lonely and I wouldn't have much support but actually I feel more connected by this group than my current employer".