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7 ways coaching will help your career

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Everyone’s at it! From your favourite sports star, award-winning actress, to your favourite soap star or most-listened-to musician. In fact I'd take a bet that your former boss and the business leaders you most admire are all doing it too!

Doing what?
I'd take a bet that they are all having coaching or mentoring sessions, to improve their game, whatever their game is. 

As leaders in their fields, they know they need to stay ahead of the crowd. Coaching helps them do this, and it will help you do the same! 

In this blog I share with you my 7 ways in which coaching will help your career and much more: 

1. Coaching will build your confidence


As a business owner, the drive and motivation to make things happen needs to come from you. Building your confidence can work wonders towards achieving this. 

Working with a coach will build both your self confidence and your business confidence in ways you may not have considered; affirming your ideas, helping you visualise where you want to be, and setting you up to win. 

And after all, if you're confident in your ideas and ability - why wouldn’t you want to share them with the world?

2. Coaching will give you clarity

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Sometimes having all the ideas feels somewhat like a spider diagram drawn on paper. Lots of fantastic information but no clear way of making them happen. 

Coaches are trained to look at your business with a different lens; one that cuts through the noise to offer a clear path to reaching your goals. They’ll help you identify priorities, and show you what needs to be done to get there. 

Ideas on paper are nice, but practical application of them is nicer.

3. Coaching will help you set goals (and hold you accountable to them!)


Without a team around you to discuss plans and ways of making them happen, it’s easy to say ‘one day’ to many of the great ideas you’re storing in your Excel sheet or mental notes.

The best way of making them happen?

Set deadlines and be accountable for keeping to them. 

Having a coach by your side gives you someone to guide you towards reasonable goals and time frames, as well as to make sure you action them. 

Sometimes we all need a kick in order to turn our ideas into reality. 

4. Coaching will help you overcome hurdles

Overcome hurdles

Not sure how to overcome your next hurdle?

Whether it’s the first or 100th time you’ve faced it, a coach will act as an external source of information and knowledge to work through it with you.

Find a coach with experience in your field and the chances are they’ve faced similar issues themselves, somewhere along the line. 

Plus, even if not - two brains are always better than one. Right? 

5. Coaching will give you access to valuable feedback 


External feedback on ideas, concepts and processes is a critical path to success - but as a business owner it can be hard to come by. Having someone who knows your field of expertise inside out and who is willing to give critical feedback is vital. 

If you’re lucky, friends or employees can do this - but a trained coach offers objective opinions designed to further your career. 

You may not always like what they have to say, but it will always be said with your best interests at heart. 

6. Coaching will unlock the tools you need to succeed

unlock tools

You know your trade inside out - but did you know there are also many valuable tools from outside your industry that can help you succeed, too? For example my free to join Business Growth Group on Facebook.

Many of these tools can be incorporated into your work life with little to no extra effort, but deliver a large return. Part of the role of a business coach is to identify, showcase and set you on the road to using them.

We don’t think anyone will argue with minimal effort for maximum return. 

7. Coaching will help you build connections


We all know that in today’s world, one great connection can change the direction of your business. But if you’re a business owner working from the comfort of your study, how do you find these connections? 

A coach, by the very essence of what they do, will introduce you to mutually beneficial relationships designed to help both parties excel. Often you’ll be invited to related conferences and networking events too. 

As Brene Brown once said, “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen”. 

More about coaching

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