
Looking for expert advice to help and inspire you in your HR Consulting Business, or looking for guidance and insight as you start your journey into establishing your HR Consulting business? Wherever you are on your consulting journey you are in the right place.

Check out our latest blog content, packed with interesting views, stories, advice, guidance and anecdotes from the UK's Leading Mentor for HR Consultants, Sarah Hamilton-Gill. With over 30 years experience as an HR Consultant, Sarah has much wisdom to share and is reagrded extremely highly in her field.

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  1. Leap into and Menopause Experts partnershipI’m so excited to announce that I have been appointed to the Panel of Experts by Menopause Experts. My Leap into HR Consulting programme has also become a partner of the social enterprise. It’s been made that bit more special because October is Menopause Awareness Month.

    It shouldn’t be an awareness month though. I believe that it’s a topic we should be talking about often. During the pandemic especially I helped lots of people set up their own consulting businesses, many of them being women trying to manage menopausal symptoms as well as managing a fulfilling and rewarding career. 

  2. Julia Crawford New ChallengesJulia is a Graduate from my Leap into HR Consulting Bootcamp. She has worked in a number of industries but for the last 14 years she has worked in the public sector. As well as being an HR consultant, she currently still works part time as head of HR for an HR shared service.

    I asked Julia ....

    Why did you decide to move into consulting?

    I have been within the same sector for a long time as it has been a fantastic opportunity to grow my career whilst being flexible enough to manage family life as well.

  3. Sarah with book 25%The book is shortlisted as a finalist of Best Business Book 2021 in the HR & Management category and is one of the six most inspirational HR and Management books for 2021, as nominated by HR Zone.

    Sarah is also nominated as a NAT West Inspirational Woman of 2021 for the work she does helping people create their own businesses.

  4. Redundancy is hard. There’s no two ways about it. But what you do - or don’t do - after it can make all the difference to your future.

    I’ve written before that a redundancy ‘signals a chance to assess your lifestyle’. It’s a time for you to really think hard about what you want next from your career, and how you’re going to make that happen.